How to Uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac?
Have you always wanted to know how to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac but don’t know how and from where to start? Would you like to uninstall some unwanted apps to free up more drive space for your Mac with ease? If you are interested in getting an answer, I’m really excited to get started on this guide with you. By the completion of this uninstalling Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac guide, you will be familiar with the skills and techniques available to you in order to uninstall any Mac app completely. Deleting leftover files are included, allowing you to follow along with me throughout the uninstall guide.
Adobe Dreamweaver Overview
Before stating acquiring how to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac, we’re going to have a simple overview of Adobe Dreamweaver app. Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the most optimal web authoring apps on the market. It is born to provide rich features and tools to help users to create creative standalone page, responsive website, flexible web app, and more other creative web designs. Adobe Dreamweaver not merely allows users to build popular websites, but also allows them to edit their web-based projects in real time. Whether you have prior experience with web design or this is your first time to create your first website, the Adobe Dreamweaver productive tool provides you professional, scalable and effective web solutions. So, if you want to build creative web designs, then the go-to web design tool of Adobe Dreamweaver is a priority, no matter who you are, creative professionals, video trainers, artists, designers, or anyone who wants to create websites or blog templates.
What You Can Do with Adobe Dreamweaver:
√ Creating your first responsive website
√ Building responsive web pages without code
√ Building a responsive portfolio website
√ Creating blog templates without coding
√ Customizing your web pages
√ Inserting videos on your web pages
√ Editing your web pages’ content using spell check with ease
√ Working with text and images easily
√ Customizing headings, paragraphs, header, footer, meta, scripts and more
√ Adding figure element to a web page
√ Building lists and links
√ Using code navigator tool, additional HTML components and tools
√ Setting up a project
√ Styling the body tag
√ Creating container
√ Creating logos, menus, banners, body content, and footer section
√ Creating login page
√ Creating single data page
√ Creating employees’ table
√ Creating static page template
√ Creating sidebar widget
√ Creating mobile version of the website
√ Creating tablet version of the website
√ Creating desktop version of the website
√ … much more
Complete Guide to Uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac
Throughout the complete guide to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver we cover two methods including the manual uninstall method and the professional uninstaller method, perfect for anyone who wants to know more about uninstalling, regardless of previous experience or complete beginners with zero experience. Thus, if you want to take one guide to acquire everything you need to know about how to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac, join this guide right now.
Method 1: Remove Adobe Dreamweaver in Manual Method
In this part we’ll cover a complete manual uninstall guide so everyone can walk through the guide to successfully uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac. If you are a new Mac use, don’t feel worried about it since each step is clearly explained here.
Step 1: The first step is to make sure the target Adobe Dreamweaver for Mac app is quit. If you can’t quit this app by right clicking the app’s icon in the Dock and selecting Quit option, then we have another method for you. Click Finder > click Applications folder > click Utilities > double-click Activity Monitor to open it > select the Adobe Dreamweaver app in the CPU tab > click X icon > select Force Quit option. By doing so, you can force the Adobe Dreamweaver app to quit.
Step 2: Click Finder > click Applications > right-click on the Adobe Dreamweaver app icon > select the Move to Trash option from the pop-up menu.
Step 3: Now, it is time to delete Adobe Dreamweaver’s leftovers. Click Finder > click Go > click Go to Folder > enter ‘~Library‘ in the box > click Go or press Enter.
Step 4: Access to the following sub-folders one by one, find and delete leftover files related to the target Adobe Dreamweaver app.
- ~/Library/Application Support/
- ~/Library/Caches/
- /Home/Library/Preferences/
- /Home/Library/Applications Support/
- /Library/StartupItems/
- /Home/Library/StartupItems/
- /Library/LaunchAgents/
- /Library/LaunchDaemons/
- /Home/Library/LaunchAgents/
Please Note: Please be careful when you choose a file to delete. Make sure all selected files you’re going to delete are only associated with Adobe Dreamweaver rather than macOS files since any wrong system files deletion probably gets you into more crash trouble.
Step 5: If you want to confirm if the Adobe Dreamweaver app is also removed from the login items, simply follow the easy step as: Click Apple menu > click Preferences… > click Users & groups > click your Username > click Login Items.
Step 6: If Adobe Dreamweaver is not listed under Login Items, then the app is removed. If Adobe Dreamweaver is still listed under the Login Items tab, you need to click the Lock to make changes. If needed, you should enter your admin passwords to unblock the setting. Then select the checkbox in the Hide column next to the app. Click “–” icon to remove it immediately.
Step 7: It hasn’t been done, open Trash folder and click Empty to clean out all items related to the Adobe Dreamweaver app. Finally, Restart your Mac.
Warn tips: Adobe Dreamweaver is built with a self uninstaller app within the app’s folder. You can take advantage of Adobe Dreamweaver built-in uninstaller app to start a uninstallation. Simply click Finder > open Applications folder > open Adobe Dreamweaver app’s folder > click Uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver. Nextup, you just need to follow the pop-up prompts to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for your Mac.
Method 2: Uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver in Osx Uninstaller
Step 1: Launch Osx Uninstaller > select the Adobe Dreamweaver app > click Run Analysis.
Step 2: Click Complete Uninstall > click Yes to confirm that you would like to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver app for your Mac,
Step 3: Once done, you will see that Adobe Dreamweaver has been successfully removed. Click Back to Interface to check and then Restart your Mac to make changes.
Refer to a simple video guide: Using Osx Uninstaller to uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver automatically.
At Last
By the end of this guide, you have understood what you can do to completely uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver for your Mac. The provided two methods are different: the manual method is a little bit difficult if you are completely new to Mac; however, the professional uninstaller is comparatively much easier and more productive for both beginners and experienced Mac users. No matter which method you use, you can uninstall Adobe Dreamweaver as soon as you master them. For those Mac users who want to take a professional uninstaller to uninstall every unwanted app for Mac, then this Osx Uninstaller is a priority. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you want to give this Osx Uninstaller a try right now, click the button below to obtain it directly.