Totally Uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac with These Methods
Do you need any help to uninstall Sweet Home 3D on your Mac? Is there any problem caused you can’t remove Sweet Home 3D successfully on your computer? Well, if you do, then just spend a few minutes to read this page for better solution, for it will help you to troubleshoot your problem and get rid of unwanted app on your PC.
What is This Application?
I think you have known what is application on your Mac in the case you installed it.
“Sweet Home 3D allows your imagination to run wild without you having to lift a finger or costing you a cent. Apart from being a very useful interior design application, it’s also a hell of a lot of fun, allowing you to mix and match furniture with ease, take virtual walks around your creations, and indulge yourself in designs you’d probably never be able to do in real life.”
In a word, this is a sophisticated tool for creating your own interior designs. Seems like you can design your own house by this designer app on your Mac.
These Methods Can Uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac
But what if you don’t need it any more, you’ll find it is a trouble maker, because many files contained in it and it’s hard to delete completely and totally from hard drive. In this page, it will provide you two different options to uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac, their results are some different, too. In order to totally remove Sweet Home 3D for Mac without remains from your PC, you’d better to read it carefully and then choose one you think is good for you.
Uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac with Common Method
Like many Mac users know, the common method to uninstall Sweet Home 3D on Mac is to use Trash to help. Unlike the Windows’ control panel, users of Mac can only drag its target into Trash that can start the removal.
Nest we will finish the Sweet Home 3D for Mac removal guide step by step in common option:
1. Quit the running application before you start to make sure the removal, two ways to do that:
One is right click the target icon in Dock, and then choose Quit if it is seen in Dock;
Other is open the Force Quit Application window by press keyboard with Command + Option + Escape at the same time, and then choose target to select Force Quit option
2. After doing this, you can do the next step by drag it into Trash:
Launch Launchpad and find the target Sweet Home 3D, then drag it into Trash;
Or launch Finder, then select Application, find the target Sweet Home 3D, then drag it into Trash as the same.
Now you can’t fine Sweet Home 3D for Mac with nowhere on your computer, because you have just finish the half of removal—to uninstall exist application icon on computer. Now let’s continue to finish the other half of guide:
In order to delete all remained files related with Sweet Home 3D for Mac in hard drive, you should find them and then delete one by one in folders stored in your computer by manual approach.
3. Launch Finder as the same, then go to the menu bar click GO
4. Select Go to folder…, and type “~/library/” in the box, hit Go
5. Library folder will pop up then
6. Search the files in the name of Sweet Home 3D f for Mac in Preferences
7. Right-click to delete all of them
8. Back to Library folder, repeat the same operation in Application Support and Caches
9. Once the remains of Sweet Home 3D for Mac is appeared on the screen, delete it
10. Finally, right-click Trash, choose Empty the Trash to confirm your whole removal
These three folders are the normal location of an app will be stored in hard drive, but it’s not sure that the remains will be appeared in some unknown folders.
Unluckily, as a matter of fact, the associated files also found in /Library/Saved Application State:
Which means you need to go to this folder to delete them directly, what’s worse, the other remains might hide in more other folders that you don’t know like /Library/CashReporter or /Library/C or other…
Uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac with Removal Tool(Auto)
After finished the steps of manual option, let’s look at the opposite method—how the automatic method work to uninstall Sweet Home 3D f for Mac. If you can’t or you don’t like to delete its leftovers in hard drive, then you should try to use some auto tool to help, for it will remove all the leftovers with couple of steps in just a few seconds by tool itself, of course you don’t need to find them one by one in hundreds of folders.
Watch the removal guide video of how to uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac now:
Osx Uninstaller is actually a professional removal tool that can help users to get rid of any unwanted applications/software/programs on Mac, just follow it step by step:
(after quit the running application like above mentioned, start to uninstall )
Step 1. Firstly, launch the uninstaller, locate Sweet Home 3D for Mac and click Run Analysis on the bottom.
Step 2. Easily click Compete Uninstall button
Then the uninstaller will scan all of components, folders or files associated with Sweet Home 3D for Mac on hard drive, in a few seconds click Yes to delete all the leftovers that annoyed you most.
Step 3. Congratulations, in just a few seconds, Sweet Home 3D for Mac is successfully removed from your computer now.
These are the optional methods we provide to help with you to fully uninstall Sweet Home 3D from Mac OS X system. in the manual approach, you have find the leftovers one by one and delete them all, which is the most hard part in whole removal, and hard for everyone to do it well; on the contrary, the nest approach automatic method can help with uninstall Sweet Home 3D for Mac completely in seconds with no remains left. So which solution you find is better to help now? Leave us a message if you have anything to say.