Thoroughly Remove Free Mac Keylogger Instruction on a Mac
How do I uninstall MacKeylogger? Free Mac Keylogger and Mac Keylogger are separate programs. They can run at the same time on your computer. However, you may want to uninstall Free Mac Keylogger before or after installing Mac Keylogger. Are you one of Mac users who have met troubles when tried to remove Free Mac Keylogger from your computer? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you solve these kind of problems.
What is Mac Keylogger?
Free Mac Keylogger is the software that record the keys struck on a keyboard. It also records applications opened or closed on your PC. Keylogger is easy to install, and use. Free Mac Keylogger makes keylogging simple, free and easy on Mac computer.
Automatically Remove Free Mac Keylogger for Mac
Firstly, we’d like to introduce the simple option to fully remove Free Mac Keylogger for Mac to you at the first place. If you have tried the deletion which provided by Free Mac Keylogger, but failed at the end, then have a look on our way now.
Watch the whole video to uninstall &remove Free Mac Keylogger completely and thoroughly from Mac OX S.
Notice: quit the running app before your removal, force quit it from Dock or press Option+Commend+Esc to open the Force Quit Application:
Remove Free Mac Keylogger Step by Step
Download and install the removal tool—Osx Uninstaller firstly of course.
Step 1. Locate the target
You can easily find Free Mac Keylogger in the interface in this tool, because all of the installed apps on your Mac are listed here. Then click the button “Run Analysis” on the left panel;
Step 2. Start removal
In step 2, this uninstaller will actually scan all the components or folders belonging to Free Mac Keylogger for Mac remained in hard drive on the interface. Just a few second, click the button “Complete Uninstall” to delete all leftovers;
Click Yes when finished scanning to confirm removal;
Step 3. Removed successfully
In the third step, Free Mac Keylogger is gone from your computer, check the leftovers by clicking the button “Refresh” back to step 1, you’ll find nothing. And altogether 24 folders and 28files were deleted, and freed 438.08 MB space of hard drive.
After the deletion of this uninstaller, no remains will be found in your hard drive, so it is strongly recommended you to take this tool for help. Safe, clean and fast, Osx Uninstall is certainly a professional removal tool to uninstall any stubborn app on Mac OS X.
Manually Remove Free Mac Keylogger for Mac
If say the auto way is quite convenient for users, the most common method to remove Free Mac Keylogger that you won’t be strange. To uninstall Free Mac Keylogger, exit Free Mac Keylogger, find it in your Applications folder and drag it to your Mac’s Trash icon.
1. Open “Finder”
2. Go to the “Applications” folder
3. Right click on Free Mac KeyLogger and then select “Move to Trash“
4. Open “Trash” folder and select “Empty”
These are only small part in the whole removal and even easiest to do, you better read it very carefully next.
Uninstall all Components Related to Keylogger in ~Library
Usually, these remain will be stored in three folders of hard drive: /Library/Preferences/
/Library/Application Support/
But not sure its remains will be stored in other folders that you don’t know
5. Open “Finder”
6. Go to Menu Bar, and select Go > Go to Folder…
7. Type “~/library/” in the box, hit Go
8. Search the files in the name of Free Mac Keylogger in Application Support
9. right-click to delete all of them
10. Back to Library folder, repeat the same operation in Preferences and Caches
11. Once any trace relates with Free Mac Keylogger is appeared in the list, delete it
12. Finally, right-click Trash, choose Empty the Trash to confirm your whole removal
Unluckily, as a matter of fact, the associated files also found in
/Library/C, you can see the picture bellow very carefully:
There are huge data include your registry and information stored in Free Mac Keylogger of your Mac, so the importantly of security and privacy let you know which method you should choose now. For safely and thoroughly removing Free Mac Keylogger on Mac OS X, just click the button bellow!