How to Uninstall DxO PhotoLab for Mac Completely?
Would you like to uninstall DxO PhotoLab for Mac but don’t know how to get started? Would you like to remove all things related to the DxO PhotoLab app but something is still left in macOS? Would you like to get rid of DxO PhotoLab and all its components but you don’t know anything about uninstalling on a Mac? Then, you just came to the right place and you will get all that answers here.
DxO PhotoLab Overview
DxO PhotoLab is one of the best photo editing apps for editing, evaluating, designing, processing and creating captivating artwork in a simple way. DxO PhotoLab caters to all your needs of photo processing, photo management, and the fully customizable and productive workspace. DxO PhotoLab comes with the popular deep learning artificial intelligence technology, empowers you with great abilities to create incomparable image quality. Besides that, DxO PhotoLab makes RAW image editing easier regardless if you need mosaic or denoise process, and even the noise reduction is consistently going beyond its limits. Besides that, with DxO PhotoLab, you won’t need to wait for a long processing time while editing and exporting.
Methods to Uninstall DxO PhotoLab for Mac Completely
If you have been looking to uninstall DxO PhotoLab for Mac successfully, here is a right place to start. We are going to know how to uninstall an app for Mac manually, and how to uninstall an app for Mac without having to handle with everything in person. By the end of this learning the two methods, you will be more confident when it comes to uninstall DxO PhotoLab or any other apps for Mac.
First Method: Remove DxO PhotoLab Manually
Step 1: Quit the DxO PhotoLab on your Mac
If you want to uninstall DxO PhotoLab right now, make sure the app is completely quit on your Mac. We have two methods to quit DxO PhotoLab, refer to:
Method 1: If the DxO PhotoLab app is running now, you can see its icon on the Dock. So to quit this app, you can simply right click the app’s icon on the Dock > click Quit from the pop-up options.
Method 2: If you couldn’t quit the app on the Dock, or when the app fails to respond, we can choose to force quit this app from Apple menu. Click the Apple menu > select Force Quit > select the DxO PhotoLab app > click Force Quit. Once finished, the DxO PhotoLab is quit on your Mac and it is not running in the background.
Step 2: Move DxO PhotoLab app to Trash
Click Finder > open Applications folder > right-click on the DxO PhotoLab app > click Move to Trash. This operation deletes the DxO PhotoLab app to the Trash folder but it is still in your Mac until you empty the Trash folder.
Step 3: Delete DxO PhotoLab left files
Find and delete leftovers related to the DxO PhotoLab app. Click Finder > click Go > click Go to Folder. Enter ~/Library and press Go.
Navigate to the sub-folders as followed, find and delete files relevant with the DxO PhotoLab app.
- ~/Library/Caches
- ~/Library/Logs
- ~/Library/Containers
- ~/Library/Application Support
- ~/Library/Cookies
Step 4: Empty Trash
Open the Trash folder in the Dock > click Empty > click Empty Trash to empty all items associated with the DxO PhotoLab app. Once finished, Restart your Mac.
Second Method: Uninstall DxO PhotoLab in Osx Uninstaller
Step 1: To make sure the complete uninstallation of DxO PhotoLab for Mac successfully, we should quit the app at first. And then launch Osx Uninstaller app > select the DxO PhotoLab app on the Step 1 page > click Run Analysis.
Step 2: Click Complete Uninstall > click Yes to make sure that you are hoping to uninstall the DxO PhotoLab app completely for your Mac. Just once click, you can uninstall DxO PhotoLab as well as all relevant files and folders altogether.
Step 3: Once the installation is accomplished, you will get a message says that the DxO PhotoLab app has been removed. Osx Uninstallers frees up a total number of 485.71 MB space for your Mac. Click Back to Interface and have a check. Finally, restart your Mac to make change.
Refer to a simple video guide to uninstall DxO PhotoLab in Osx Uninstaller:
Till now, you may have understood how to uninstall DxO PhotoLab for your Mac. If you want to uninstall this DxO PhotoLab app on your own, then the first manual uninstall guidance may be right for you. If you want to remove any unwanted app for Mac with just a few clicks, then give the optimal Osx Uninstaller a try. Simply click the download button to get it in no time.